Concepts and Definitions
Clarity and consistency are important virtues in results measurement and management. Terminological confusion can lead to misunderstandings. Especially in environments with as many linguistic backgrounds as ours, is it essential to ensure that we use a common terminology. Because of our international approach and network, we have chosen in Kabell Konsulting ApS to use an internationally recognized set of definitions and terms. These are developed over a long period by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD. For those interested, a full glossary of key terms in evaluation and results based management can be found at:
Below we are just reproducing key terms, used in this presentation.
Results-based management (RBM): a management tool for integrating a results focus into internal business practices and systems.
Performance: the degree to which an agency achieves results in accordance to stated goals and plans, or operates according to specific criteria/standards/ guidelines.
Development effectiveness: refers to the final outcomes or results to which aid agencies contribute.
Organisational effectiveness: is a subset of performance, and refers to the intermediate outcomes/results that can be attributed to an agency (other performance elements being economy and efficiency). |