Kabell Konsulting ApS



Working with others in various forms and types of partnerships is fundamental to our approach to each assignment. We want to achieve excellence in what we do, and to do so, we tap professional knowledge and experience from individuals or independent consultancy firms who share our values and our high performance standards.


Our partners are established in Denmark and around the world, and all have extensive international experience. We advise clients upstream, when agreeing on the terms of reference, of the various possibilities for partnering, and what added value each partner can contribute. We commit to providing a seamless and comprehensive team for each assignment, making full use of the specific strength of each of the firms and individuals involved.


We actively use our partners to develop our business-frontiers. We have found particularly enriching to partner with individuals and companies with private sector background. Much of our public sector work is inspired by the New Public Management wave and therefore approaches, tools and experiences often originate in the private sector, hence the advantage of involving partners with a hands-on experience in these areas.  


All partners sign our Ethics statement.



Kabell Konsulting ApS • Copenhagen • Denmark